After attending Berry College in Rome Georgia, I worked in a number of fields and couldn't seem to find something that satisfied my desire to work for myself and chart the course of my future. Since joining the Weathersby Guild,

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Shelburne Jackson
Weathersby Guild Tulsa


At the Weathersby Guild, learning never ends...

The Weathersby Guild is a learning company. At the core of our existence is the ability to perform furniture repair and restoration with artistic excellence. To that end, we employ the same method of instruction as that experienced by our founder, Kent Weathersby. Upon his return from the Pacific after having served as a U.S. Marine, Kent's father acquired his furniture repair skills after being employed by a furniture store in Downtown Norfolk, VA. Early one Saturday, soon after Kent's his 14th birthday, his father woke him up and said-"come with me son, you're going to learn something new today." That's how our enterprise got started.

The closest model to that experience is the "old world" Guild model. Training is conducted one-on-one with a Master Craftsman. Each franchisee enters the Weathersby Guild initial training program as an apprentice. Apprentices finish the initial program as a skilled Journeyman who, with Headquarters support, is capable of generating revenue and engaging with Weathersby Guild commercial and residential clients. With experience, Journeymen are elevated to the Craftsman level indicative of a highly advanced skill set.

With demonstrated achievements that have contributed to the expansion of Weathersby Guild standard practices and brand recognition, Craftsmen are elevated to Master Craftsman status and are eligible to become instructors in the training program.

All training is reinforced by field visits, conferences, and forums on the furniture repair arts and on best practices in the conduct of business.

At the Weathersby Guild, learning never ends.